Become a Member

AFRA's Mission:  "To protect and defend the earned benefits of all military retirees and their surviving spouses and to protect veterans through active advocacy on Capitol Hill and elsewhere."
The core focus of AFRA is the military retiree family and the protection of earned benefits. Military retirees represent just 17% of those who serve.  We were subject matter experts, held the institutional knowledge of our organizations and dedicated the best years of our lives to military service.  Upon reaching the end of our careers, we believed that we could count on certain benefits to be there for ourselves and our families.
AFRA's purposes are fraternal, patriotic and educational and include, but are not limited to:
  • Protect and preserve the vested rights, benefits and privileges of Retired Armed Forces personnel
  • Provide a means to sponsor, foster, and encourage legislation affecting the status of retired personnel of the U.S. Armed Forces
  •  Keep members informed of changes to benefits and legislation that may affect benefits
  • Encourage active participation in the legislative process
  • Foster the welfare of survivors and dependent children
  • Provide a means of social contact for all members and their families
 An additional focus is on veterans to:
  • Aid and assist needy and disabled veterans, war veterans, widows, or orphans of deceased veterans
  • Provide care and assistance to hospitalized veterans or members of the Armed Forces of the United States
  • Honor the memory of veterans and comfort their survivors
Becoming a member of the Armed Forces Retirees Association allows you to join forces with retirees of all ranks, branches and components of service and veterans, adding strength to our efforts to protect the benefits that you earned from being diminished or eliminated
AFRA is a 501(c)(19) tax-exempt veterans service organization (VSO)
Annual membership $30.00.  Your dues are tax-deductible.
Join online or email your check to:
Armed Forces Retirees Association
P.O. Box 693
Bedford, MA. 01730
As a member you will:
  • Have access to the "member only" pages on our website which provide a "one stop shop" for resources designed to assist you with your earned benefits
  • Benefit from the collaborative strength that AFRA's membership in the National Military and Veterans Alliance provides
  • Take an active role in growing AFRA's influence by using your leadership skills to start a local chapter