Contact Congress

Use the links below to contact your House representative and Senators by following these simple steps:
1. Click on "Contact my House Representative" or "Contact my Senators".  A new window will open.
2. For House Representatives:  Enter your zip code in the upper right hand corner.  A picture of your Representative will appear; click on the email (envelope) icon under the picture and follow the prompts.
3.  For Senators:  Select your state from the "choose a state" drop down menu.  Your senators names will appear; click on the "contact" link and follow the prompts.
1.  Click on "Contact my House Representative" or "Contact my Senators".  A new window will open.
2.  For House Representatives:  Click on the red box in the upper left and then complete # 2 above.
3.  For Senators:  See # 3 above.