Form an AFRA Chapter!

Thank you for your interest in forming a chapter or auxiliary of the Armed Forces Retirees Association!  The organizational and leadership skills that you spent a career honing will be put to good use as you advance the goals of military retirees in your area.  You and the team you create will function as an independent, non-profit, organization.  As such, you will have the flexibility to be able to create social opportunities for local retirees and their families, serve as a positive force in your community, and expand the influence of AFRA and its members through local and state level advocacy in the interest of issues affecting retirees.
To form your local AFRA chapter or auxiliary, begin by contacting AFRA's national headquarters using the "contact us" link on this website (choose "Form a Chapter/Auxiliary" from the "subject" drop down menu) and inform us of your interest/intent to form a chapter/auxiliary.  This will allow us to assist you in your efforts as you navigate the steps listed below.
Armed Forces Retirees Association
Chapter/Auxiliary Formation Process
1.  An individual or group may apply to form a chapter/auxiliary using the "Chapter Formation Application" (Word Document or PDF).
This requires: 
-No less than 5 AFRA members in good standing who agree to abide by AFRA's bylaws, to be interim chapter officers throughout the formation process and subsequent 90 day period, and be responsible for adhering to all AFRA, State, and Federal laws/procedures regarding forming a 501c19 chapter of a parent organization (AFRA).
-Concurrently, these 5 officers must recruit no less than 25 charter members.  
2. Chapter/auxiliary submits "Charter Application" (Word Document or PDF) showing proof of 25 AFRA members in good standing and acknowledging a requirement to adhere to AFRA's bylaws.
3. AFRA issues a provisional charter agreement to be in place for the provisional period.  It will be signed by both AFRA and the chapter/auxiliary president. 
4. Under the "provisional charter" the chapter/auxiliary will be responsible and required to incorporate as a separate independent 501c19 corporation in accordance with the laws of its home state within no more than 120 days. Failure to meet the 120 day standard may cause AFRA to revoke the provisional charter and the subsequent official charter. 
5.  Chapter/auxiliary submits proof of incorporation to AFRA along with an "Application for Group Exemption Status" (Word Document or PDF).
6.  AFRA grants group exemption status and issues official charter and affiliation agreement to the chapter/auxiliary. 
7.  Chapter/auxiliary begins operations in accordance with AFRA Bylaws.
8.  Chapter/auxiliary submits its "Chapter/Auxiliary Election Report" (Word Document or PDF) at the end of its 90 day interim period, which begins on the date its official charter is received.